DENTON Hospital Dr. Zimmerman
RABBIT HEMORRHAGIC DISEASE : RHDV2 in USA / MEXICO / CANADA Enfermedad Hemorrágica Viral de los Conejos
Current Updates on 2020-22 Outbreak
RHDV2 Education
Outbreak 2020-21
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"If the disease continues to spread unchecked, it could harm all dozen-plus species of rabbits in the US and the ecosystems they belong to." ABC News
International Business Times: US Pet Owners Urged To Prepare For Bunny Virus July 15, 2020
The Guardian Deadly plague that could devastate the US rabbit population July 15, 2020
Tufts: A Deadly Rabbit Virus Spreads in US July 22, 2020
The Journal.IE Ireland Deadly Virus Re-emerges (Ireland) July 20, 2020
Popular Science: What to Know About Rabbit Virus Sweeping the Southwest US July 21, 2020
NY Times: New viral outbreak is killing rabbits May 18, 2020
ABC NEWS: Highly contagious and deadly rabbit disease found in western US May 20, 2020
Forbes: Meanwhile, Rabbits Face their Own Devastating Virus May 18, 2020
CNN: Rabbits are facing a deadly virus of their own May 18, 2020
Washington Post A highly contagious & fatal virus is spreading in several states.
Its victims are rabbits. May 18, 2020
The New Yorker "The Rabbit Outbreak" June 29, 2020
Business Insider: Deadly "Bunny Ebola"
July 1, 2020
MSN We call it "Bunny Ebola"
June 30, 2020
ABC News/ NPS: Grand Canyon issues warning after rabbit found to be infected with deadly virus May 29, 2020
AGRILIFE Today: 4-H rabbit raisers on alert May 20, 2020
Smithsonian Magazine: North American Rabbits Face
a Deadly Virus May 27, 2020
CBS News A new deadly virus spreading across U.S. could decimate the rabbit population May 19, 2020
LA Times San Diego Union